Dagmar Szabados

Dagmar Szabados

Lesedauer: 2 min
Dagmar Szabados
Dagmar Szabados


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Chemist and mayor

Dagmar Szabados

Dagmar Szabados guided the fortunes of the city of Halle from 1990 to 2012 as deputy mayor and mayor. But politics was only her second career. Originally a qualified chemist and graduate of Freiberg Mining Academy, her decades of experience in environmental matters also benefited her political activities. Dagmar Szabados was born near Sangerhausen in 1947. After high school, she began studying chemistry at Freiberg Mining Academy in 1966, graduating in 1971. Dagmar Szabados looks back on her studies with pleasure: “The chemists of 1966 were a great bunch and we still meet up every year. We helped each other revise for exams and supported each other in the laboratory – scientifically and emotionally! We had good teachers and the whole environment, including the lecture theatres, laboratories, dorms and refectory, was just right for us. The town of Freiberg also had everything students needed.” After graduation, Dagmar Szabados became a research associate at first Freiberg Institute of Fuel, and later the District Hygiene Inspectorate in Halle. In 1990, she entered local politics, contributing her environmental experience. She was appointed chair of environmental and municipal affairs, and also acted as an elected deputy mayor standing in for the mayor. In 1994, her mandate was renewed, and she was appointed chair of youth, social affairs and health. In 2006, the people of Halle elected Dagmar Szabados mayor. The successes with which she is associated include the foundation and profiling of the municipal utilities, the refurbishment of schools and childcare centres, and the construction of various sports facilities. Being a university graduate, Dagmar Szabados was convinced that supporting higher education was especially important as an engine for successful urban development. Consequently, she was behind the expansion of the technology centre and incubator in Halle into one of the largest technology parks in eastern Germany. Politician and chemist Dagmar Szabados retired on 1 December 2012, but is still in close touch with the (now renamed) Freiberg University of Mining and Technology.



Fotonachweis: Stadt Halle (Saale) (1, 2, 3, 4)

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